Friday, September 25, 2009

The "Fore Inventors Only" Show

I had the opportunity to experience this show first hand. I first heard about the the "Fore Inventors Only" show through an associate from work. The winner of the show was to get a contract with "Golf Smith" and their product was to be placed in their show room in addition to having an infomercial created and aired on the Golf Channel.

I applied and was one of the lucky ones to be chosen and interviewed to participate in the first round. To be interviewed, I had to fly down to Orlando Florida. The interviews took place at the Ginn Resort. What a great place to be. I was there with approximately 90 other chosen participates. This first round of interviews was one of five locations throughout the country. This was the initial screening. I had the opportunity to meet with a variety of inventors in the golf industry. The panel consisted of three assistant producers of the show. I was able to show them the Golf Cradle, how it worked, price points, and at what level of production I was at. The Golf Cradle was well received. The hardest part of this stage was that the results of the panel's decision was not going to be conveyed to us until a week latter.

I was lucky enough to make it through the first round of interviews. I was asked to return to Orlando again to have my product reviewed by a second panel of judges. Ninety inventors were asked to return to have their products scrutinized by a panel of golf professionals. Again the review was to take place at the Ginn resort in Orlando. This time, we stayed at the resort with all expenses paid. As we progressed through the process, all stages of the show were being recorded for a reality to be aired on the Golf Channel. On the panel, there was a Television host, a teaching pro, and a P.G.A. playing professional.

At first, we were all brought into a large room and were seated together. We each had to wait our turn for the panel evaluation. My interview was scheduled at the end of the day. As I was called into the room, I was instantly being taped by, at my count of at least five different television camars. Before walking into the room, I was "miked up" and given a briefing as to what I should expect. As I walked into the room, in front of me were three Golf Professionals waiting to evaluate the Golf Cradle. Again, I had to present the Golf Cradle as to its function, price points, level of production, and my expectations. This was a great opportunity to "show off" the value of the Golf Cradle. The major difference between the first panel and this panel was that the evaluation was to take place immediately following my presentation. This was the most difficulty part of the process. Each judge had the opportunity to give their opinion as to function, value, and practicality of the Golf Cradle being sold in the "Golf Smith" store. I was lucky enough to be valued enough to make to the next level of the show: the Field Testing.

The Field Testing again took place again at the Ginn Resort in Orlando Florida. We were flown down to Orlando, Florida and put up at the resort. This level of the competition took on a more serious approach. It was presented to us that there was a great deal to be gained from winning the competition. It was a three day process. It entailed a taping interview and the actual field testing. We were to clear our calenders to stay for a whole week. If we made it through the field testing, we were expected to stay for the next round which consisted for more taping and interviews.

Our field testing went very well. They put the Golf Cradle into the back of a pick-up truck. The driver, one of the judges, put on a helmet and raced around the parking lot. In addition, they had the host of the show walk through a cross walk while the driver of the truck having to stop quickly to avoid hitting him. Yea, it appeared to be a joke and more of a spoof than an actual testing. Nether the less, it was air time and the Golf Cradle held up as expected.

One would of thought by passing the evaluation and the field testing, it would have made it through to the next round. However, as they brought all thirty three of us back into the large room to read off the products that made it through the next round. The Golf Cradle fell short.

In all the experience was incredible. I met the majority of the other inventors and made a lot of friends. We still keep in contact as we try to push our products to the next level.

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