Monday, March 30, 2009

The Process of Manufacturing...

The manufacturing component of bringing a product to market is a complicated one. However, if you can break the process down into components and accomplish each task one at a time, this will decrease your level of frustration during the process. I define manufacturing from pushing out parts from your mold to the final step of getting it out the door for delivery.

The company that I work with, CMS (Custom Molding Solutions) has been extremely helpful in explaining what needs to be done to build and assemble my product. I first had to learn what essential components were needed to build each unit. This included the ordering of other parts (not provided by CMS) to complete the unit being built. This order had to be quoited, a Purchase ordered submitted, and the parts received before any assembly was to occur.

Once all the outside components were delivered, the actual building process could be completed. Part of the assembly process included a creatation of a tool for secondary drilling. Once this was development and tested, it was then implamented into the assembly process.

I recommend that an inventor be involved as much as possible in the manufacturing process. If difficulties arise, you are then able to speak with some level of knowledge and understanding.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Time to Build the Golf Cradle Molds....

The planing and the building of the Golf Cradle mold was an education from its beginning to end. Let me bring you up to background is in Psychology and Education. I have worked in a High School as a Psychologist since graduating from college. Which is to say, my awareness in the tool and die field was "null." Prior to this project, I had no knowledge (not to say that I have any now) in blue printing and tool/die development. I could not even tell you what a tool and die person did as a job or his level of education.

I was introduced to a company near to my home, Custom Molding Solutions. This is a good size size shop with approximately 20 employees. The two owners, Dwight and Mark, are great people who each have a distinct set of skills that are complimentary. Dwight heads up the office management component and pricing, while Mark coordinates the shop's daily activities. The first step was to create a blue print that the Golf Cradle mold could be build from. The planning of a mold this size was a large undertaking. The concept was to build an injection mold that was a negative of the actual product. Also build into the mold had to be cooling lines, pin placements, etc.

The next step was to order a block of aluminum that measured three by four feet in diameter. It was then cut in half for the milling process to start. This process is also extremely interesting such that the specifications and dimensions of the Golf Cradle are fed into a computer program. The block of steal is then put into the machine and an assortment of drill bits are used to carve out a negative imprint of the Golf Cradle. This mold was considered a "family mold" where four components are produced from one injection, that being the base, two arms, and the swivel bottom.

The process of building and completing the Golf Cradle Mold took approximately two weeks, 24 hour per day. Once the program was fed into the computer, the milling machine runs itself. During this phase, we had one major set back. The motor of the milling machine had to be replaced. A new motor had to be ordered and installed extending the time needed to complete this phase of the project. Once finished however, the outcome was exactly as what I had expected. Other than the time delay, the mold was perfect (I was under a time deadline however, which I will address in a future posting) which yielded four different components to be assembled.

This part of the process is called "secondary assembly." Part of the secondary assembly consisted of two sets of holes to be drilled into the arms and to the base. The arms then have to be attached to the base. The swivel had to be screwed into the base and finally, the sticker placed on the front of the Golf Cradle. Then the assembled Golf Cradle is put into a retail box, sealed, and stacked into a large shipping container. The Golf Cradle is now ready for delivery.

Looking back at it all, the milling and the manufacturing phase was the most rewarding for me. I was able to take an idea, have it put to paper, watch the production of the mold, and finally see a fully assembled Golf Cradle. This was a memorable accomplishment. At that point in time, I had actually thought that the hard work was done.....was I mistaken...

Now please remember, this amazing process,the knowledge, and the skills to produce such a piece of work comes with a hefty price tag....a very large price tag. No blue light special here....However, one of the benefits of having my mold maker being the manufacturer of the Golf Cradle is that they are able to monitor the mold usage (damage) and act accordingly. They are able to address immediate fixes and/or complications. This service is part of the original cost of the mold. Custom Molding Solutions is a one stop shop for fabrication and production. I really do appreciate there continued efforts to work with me on a daily basis.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Patient and Trade Marketing....

I will keep this topic as brief as possible. Not much excitement here. The Patient and Trade Mark process is an "attorney thing." Within the last four years, I have been exposed to the legal world much more than I ever care to admit. This is an environment where there is no such thing as "Black and White." The world is based in "GRAY." It is all based on how one interprets the law. As usual, my interpretation of things appear to be completely different than many others.

My Patient Attorneys are very good at what they do. I was able to bring my initial drawings to them and as a result, they were able to complete an initial search which took approximately three weeks. This was a "surface attempt" to determine if I should take the next step for a complete search in Washington D.C. Each search is a degree of specificity. The first search explores if there is any patient item that resembles what the Golf Cradle represents. This search came back negative, such that there were no items that resembled the Golf Cradle. The second more extensive search (which is about an eight week process) provides patients that fall into the same category as the Golf Cradle, that being a bag carrier. After a complete review of these patients, the attorney's and I felt comfortable moving to the patient submission of the Golf Cradle. As expected, each search progressed in cost and expense.

After numerous meetings and e-mails, my patient was submitted in 2006. Upon submission, it carries with it the term "Patient Pending." The process can take up to five years to complete. I am still waiting for any requests for revisions. Also during this process, I applied for a Trademark (that being the double swoosh representing the Golf Cradle). This was a much easier process and as a result, our marking is Trade Marked in the U.S. as well as Canada.

On last comment about the Patient Process. It is only "good" in the United States. For any other country, a separate application has to be filed. This is extremely expensive such that each application can cost up to $10,000.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The question that I needed to address right from the beginning was: should I hire relatives...well I should of listened to my friends. When I started this project, I had very little knowledge (actually none) with regard to how to get an idea blue printed, and then proto-typed. I turned to one of my cousins for assistance. He was extremely knowledgeable with regard to the individuals who had the skills to help me accomplish each of the steps towards production. For this, I am extremely grateful. As the proto-types were completed, he was very influential in helping find a tool shop to build my mold as well as to manufacture the Golf Cradle. For his assistance, the company compensated him (a storage shed and a computer). These items were purchased in anticipation of his continued participation in the project. As the Golf Cradle moved to and through production (which I will discuss in future posts) it was decided that my cousin (who I will call Peter) was to coordinate shipping. This entailed housing the Golf Cradles (hence the Shed) and shipping out the product via Federal Express (the need for a computer).

Initially, Peter was also coordinating the communication between the manufacture and myself. The reason for this was I was spending a great deal of time addressing the other aspects of the Golf Cradle Project (i.e., Website Development, Show Schedule, etc.) in addition to working a full time Job. However this responsibility ended quickly when the manufacture called me on two separate occasions asking that Peter not return to the shop due to his inappropriate interactions with one of the partners. I resolved the first incident, however, when it happen for the second time, it was best that Peter's responsibility in this area be terminated. Thus, his job was reduced to just shipping the product from his home. He was paid per unit shipped.

And now, the rest of the story.....In any businesses, there is a busy time and a slow time. One needs to deal with the "crazy times" knowing that product needs to be shipped which leads to monetary compensation. To me, a true test of ones personality is how does he/she deal with stress. Take it as it is and deal with it...However, an owner of a company needs to be extremely careful with regard to how an employee deals with stress. I wish I had a quick test to determine how one deals with stress, however, no such device exists. The level of stress that Peter was able to deal with was "minimal" at best before he went into overload. Two weeks before Christmas, many orders needed to be shipped in a timely fashion for them to be received before Christmas. This minimal level of stress, appeared to push him over the edge. Thus, one night he just exploded which resulted in a bit of a "tantrum." He asked me to pick up all the materials and that he was finished.

No level of reasoning was going to help the situation. I re-grouped and as a result, I am now supervising the distribution of each Golf Cradle. Now when Peter left, I thought that was the last of it..done is done. Wrong... To add fuel to the fire, Peter thought he was entitled to a percentage of the company as a result of his efforts. Let me ask this: In what other country in the world does this happen ??? How does one think that when the owner of a company covers all the risk (financial obligation), an employee is entitled to a percentage of a company when they leave. Since then, I have had minimal contact with him. I have tried to approach him with negative results. Its a sad situation.

My recommendation: Do not, I repeat, Do not hire relatives.....Hey that's just my opinion, I could be wrong...

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Next Step...Blue Prints and Proto-Types

Lets start from the blue print and proto-type stage. Getting to the final blue print took three re-visions with each change costing a fee. Let me tell you this, there are many people who enjoy taking advantage of people who are naive to the "whole business process." Let me move on. I was introduced to an individual (by a relative) who indicated that he had the abilities and know how to have my idea brought through the blue print stage to building a proto-type. He gave me a tour of his facility and followed the complete "sales protocol" in addition to being introduced to many of his "worker bees.". He gave me the whole pitch which included how busy he was, how hard he works, its hard to make money, and especially how many contacts he had to move my product to the distribution phase (he also had to mention his family, buying property, his new child, the demands of his wife and children, and the famous "family problems").

Now remember, when someone says two weeks, its more like four months....and finally (four months latter) my blue prints and proto-types were completed. And yes, to my disbelief, he did exactly what he said he could do. The blue prints were great as well as the proto-types. However, and this was my first hard lesson in reality which equates to business, nothing is what it seems and nothing costs what they say it is going to cost. The standard excuse of a price increase: there were some problems and complications that we had to deal with. And he was no exception. I truly believe that many individuals "create problems and complications" to help justify the price increase as well as to inflate their self worth as the "fixer" of the problem. I paid approximately $8000.00 for two proto-types not including the price of the blue-prints which was an additional $1800.00. Such a deal....I latter found out that the same two proto-types should of cost me $500.00. The only reason I paid the bill was because I was "stupid." I did not know any better (at the time). Beware of the men who dress in fine suites and talk in complete sentences...

Let me be as direct as I can, I am a Ph.D., and I don't make that much an hour for any work that I complete on time. This was just the beginning of my "personality flaw" of being two trusting.....

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Some History......

We are a company that started in December 2006. The idea of the Golf Cradle began some 15 years ago when I purchased a new set of Ping Irons. My good friend Mike Belmont had just introduced me to the Game of Golf. I was very concerned about keeping my investment in the truck of my car due to them rolling and sliding in and out of the bag. I put together a Cradle that was constructed from wood (2x4's). Thus, the Genesis of the Cradle. Early in 2006, with the help of some consultants, I was able to advance my wooded cradle to a highly innovative device that accounts for any size bag....Through many design changes and proto-types, the Golf Cradle was "available for public sales." Thus, the beginning of my adventure......

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Golf Cradle Blog is place to discuss new Golf Accessories.....If you are a new Golf Accessory that is not a training aid or new club design, this is the place for you. Discuss your new Invention or idea here.....why not....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's New: The Golf Cradle

You love golf. You spare no cost when it comes to your equipment. Titanium drivers. Cavity-back irons. If it can save you strokes, it’s in your bag. Considering how much you invest in your clubs, shouldn’t you be doing everything you can to protect them?

The Golf Cradle is a breakthrough golf organizer designed to safeguard your clubs as you transport them to and from the golf course. Once placed in the trunk of your car or back of your SUV, the Golf Cradle golf organizer elevates the open end of your bag and locks it in place to prevent your clubs from sliding as you drive, eliminating the chance of head and shaft damage. So, your valuable equipment performs its best—round after round.

The cost is 29.95 at

What a great way to protect your clubs. For only 29.95, how can you go wrong....
